Songtaba, with support from Plan International Ghana under The women voice and leadership programme made a visit to Zugu, a community in the Kumbungu District to check in with the VSLA group in the community and also introduce them to the VSLA 2.0 model, the discussion included the women talking about the benefits and challenges of the group for the past two years.
After two years being in a VSLA group, the women in the Zugu community share their experiences;
According to the members, saving money was a challenge for them individually before they joined the group which hindered their ability to provide the basic necessities for themselves and their kids. However after Joining the group they have been able to save and can take care of their children and emergency cases, and even go further to take loan from the group . Being part of the group makes them feel a sense of belonging, they have found a community of friends and sisters that they can rely on for advice than individuals. .
Why VSLA (“Adakah Bila”) women should Invest their Savings.
What is a VSLA Group aka “Adakah Bila”
The village savings and loans associations is an initiative that seeks to support rural women to save regularly in small flexible amounts, access loans to invest in their business and other endeavors like agriculture and also access emergency support through a basic insurance fund.
A typical VSLA group comprises of 15 – 25 members from within a community who meet regularly (monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly) to save their money in a safe place. These groups save their monies in a fund from which they can borrow money as needed and repay with interest. At the end of a set operating cycle (of generally about one year), the entire fund with interest earned is distributed to members according to the amount each has saved in the group. Groups typically then begin the cycle again.
See FAQs on VSLA at: https://www.care.org/our-work/education-and-work/microsavings/vsla-101/
VSLA Groups Investing Their Savings
How do we ensure that the fund grows bigger beyond loan interests and regular savings, the second phase of the VSLA model/initiative suggests that the women use the money in their saving funds to invest in group business ventures as a collective. There are so many opportunities or businesses that these groups can venture into; chair rentals, construction materials rentals, selling soap products and services.
On the 20th of April, 2024, Songtaba with support from Plan International Ghana under the Women’s Voice and Leadership Program organized and facilitated a soap making training delivered by End the Tears Foundation to 50 members of our VSLA groups from three communities in the Kumbungu district. (Kpegu, Gupanarigu and Zugu)
In a world where soap making is not only keeps us squeaky clean, but also empowers women and transforms lives. Sounds amazing, right? We will look extensively into the incredible journey of soap making and how it can be a catalyst for Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) women groups’ economic empowerment. From Suds to Success, we’ll explore the power of soap making and the positive impact it has on this women and their communities.
Soap Making is a viable business opportunity for women due to its low start -up costs , flexibility and market demand . With this basic training , the VLSA women group can create a wide range of soap products .This entrepreneurial venture will allows this women to earn a steady income. However they can leverage on this skills to explore some funding such as micro loans and grants that support the business growth.
Low Startup costs : starting a soap making business require minimal investment, making it an accessible ventures for this women because of their limited financial resources. With Small ingredients and equipment women an start soap business right from the house ..
Flexibility and Independence: soap making offer this women the flexibility to work at their own pace and schedule. They can choose to operate their business part-time or full time . Allowing them to balance their entrepreneurial pursuit with Family responsibility and other obligations . This empowers women to take control of their economic future .
Profitability and Market Demand : the soap marketing is constantly growing with an with an increasing demand for the handmade natural and eco-friendly products, By creating unique and high quality soaps , with this training the women can tap into this market , and generate a steady income which will help reduce the SDGs Goal one which is talking about No Poverty
Empowering Communities :
Soap making can have a positive ripple effect within the communities of the VLSA group , the women that are engage in soap making often become the role models for others , inspiring them to pursue similar entrepreneurship ventures , By sharing their knowledge and skills , the women can uplift and empower others , creating a network of economic growth and support .
Soap making present a unique opportunity for women to leverage their skills , creativity and entrepreneurial spirit to achieve economic empowerment . Through low Startup cost , flexibility profitability and community impact, so lets support and celebrate this women as they turn soap into a symbol of economical independence.
With the money that is made from the soap business, the women can put the profits back in their savings to give the women higher returns during their share-outs at the end f the year.