Power To Youth
The Power to Youth Programme is set to drive changes in how Adolescent Girls and Young Women engage in decision making using a human rights-based approach.
The program is implemented in seven different countries, namely; Ghana, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal and Uganda. It is implemented by four partners Norsaac (Country Lead), Youth, Ghana SRHR Alliance for Young People (GH Alliance) and Songtaba. Read more

Strengthening Voices Against GBV
This programme is implemented in the Northern Region by Songtaba in partnership with Star Ghana Foundation under the Gender Rights and Empowerment Project (G-REP). To improve safeguarding in basic schools in three districts of the Northern Region. Read more

Local Rights Programme
The local rights programme is an affiliate of the mainstream programme of ActionAid Ghana which works to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty reduction under three major mission priorities and focus areas. Read more

She Leads Programme
She Leads is a consortium that brings together child rights organisations, feminist/women’s rights organizations, and GYW-led groups in a joint effort to increase the sustained influence of girls and young women (GYW) on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions. Read more

Empower Main Grant (Livelihood Empowerment Grant For Young People)
This partnership seeks to address the challenges faced by SMEs in Ghana and to support the enterprises of young people to survive. Songtaba worked with the Business Advisory Unit of the Ghana Enterprise Agency to finance and mentor 20 young enterprises into successful SMEs. Read more

Empower Grant (Girls Fund)
EMpower’s portfolio of grants that intentionally aim to support and strengthen girl-driven and / or girl-centered work.
This grant would be used to work with 150 very young adolescent out of school girls to continue to develop their numeracy and literacy skills and improve their advocacy on SGBV issues affecting them in their communities. Read more

Ending Violence Angainst Women and Girls in Northern Ghana
This partnership seeks to support 4,000 rural women to demand their rights and have greater influence in their households and communities. It also improved the capacity of 1,000 girls’ through safe spaces mechanisms that ensure their protection and response as well as ensure that 800 rural women have more secured and sustainable access to improved incomes through productive resources and markets. Read more