Regional Desermination Forum on Research Findings conducted by Songtaba

Songtaba in partnership with Ghana SOMUBI DWUMADIE under the Promoting Women Mental Health Rights in Ghana project, disseminated a research findings and shared the report with key stakeholders in the Northern Region.

The findings were on a research conducted to; determine the Prevalence of depression, Quality of Life and Gender dynamics in Witchcraft Accusations in the Northern and North East Regions of Ghana.
The dissemination exercise was to present the findings especially the conclusions and recommendations before key stakeholders in the region to cause them make commitments towards improving mental healthcare service delivery and also support to the inmates in the alleged witches’ camps. Copies of the full report were also presented to key stakeholders and departments.

Some highlights from the findings in the report were; inmates in all four alleged witches camps have low quality of life, 52.71% are suffering from severe depression, 93.5% of the inmates are women, all inmates want reintegration and among others.